Year of Birth: 2011
Color: Brown
Height: 14.2 hh
Weight: 1000 lbs
Owner: Sharon & Kevin Stettner
Phone: (403) 393-3749
Standing At: Claresholm, Alberta
Semen: Live, Frozen, Shipped Cooled
Incentive Eligibility: CBHI, Western Fortunes
2011 Bay AQHA stallion.
Touchdown Dash is an unraced 2011 son of the standout sire “DOWN HOME DASH” LTE: $60,052 by VICTORY DASH LTE: $99,070, but the Legendary DASH FOR CASH LTE: $507,689.
His dam, Dash Easy Girl LTE:$3,340 is by Dash Easy who goes back to THREE OHS LTE: $201,716.
His pedigree speaks for itself. Speed, trainability, versatility, and excellent minds!
Down Home Dash who earned $60,052, was a Graded Stakes Winner with a 108 SI. Sired earners of over $1.6 million! Down Home Dash also sired Regional Champions, Stakes Winners and multiple horses that won Superior Race Awards. He was a versatile sire as well with offspring earning 263 AQHA Performance Points, AQHA Show Year End Reserve World Champion and BFA money earners. Down Home Dash also sired
“Panther Dash” – 2015 Brown Stallion who was exported to the USA from Ontario. He is a standout young stallion marking quite the name for himself with tens of thousands of dollars in earnings in 2021 & 2022.
“Money Red Down Home” – 2017 AQHA Open SR Barrel Qualifier, 2017 AQHA SR Barrels L2 Champion, 2017 AQHA Open Performance ROM, and 2016 AQHA Open World Show JR Barrel Racing
3rd place.
“Sure Down Dash” – 2012 AQHA Open SR Barrel Racing Qualifier, 2011 AQHA Open World Show SR Barrel Racing 9th place, 2011 AQHA Youth Barrel Racing Qualifier, 2011 AQHA Open Performance
ROM, 2011 AQHA Youth Performance ROM.
“VF Down Home Coup” & “Little Okie Dash” & “VF Easy Dash Home” & “VF Shoot Ya Down” and many more!
Down Home Dash is a son of Graded Stakes placed “VICTORY DASH” earner of $99,070.
Touchdown Dash was never raced because of an injury. He is a full sibling to “Baby Got Black Socks” – 2017 AQHA Open Qualified JR Barrels L2 Championship, 2016 Ontario Barrel Association Futurity
Champion and earner of over $11,000!
Touchdown Dash has a beautiful, refined head, straight legs, solid feet, short back, huge hip and tons of mane and tail to top it off. He is known to throw colored foals on colored mares, but has not been color tested.
Touchdown Dash has proven himself as a barrel sire and has offspring working in the ranch and cow horse industry as well.
“Down Home Duramaxx” 2014 Bay roan gelding. Versatility is his middle name! Barrels, poles and roping are the areas in which he excels in!
“Down Home Fabulous” a 2015 SS mare with LTE: $30,000+ in barrels. She is also a very quick pole horse as well! This mare is SUPER FAST!
“Hezatouchoffire” 2016 Buckskin gelding 1D gelding with rodeo earrings. He’s an all round quiet guy that is amazing work ethics and he’s great with kids as well!
“RCR Touchdown Allie” a 2016 SS mare just coming onto the barrels. She was started late and is a very quick learner! This mare is FAST! We are super excited to see where she goes in her career.
“Touchdownsprettycrime” 2019 SS mare. She has been roped off of and gently started on the barrels.
Can’t wait to see what she does with her career.
“RCR Touchdown Portia” 2017 Bay mare.
Theo – 2019
Sire: Down Home Dash – SI 108, AAAT Stakes Winner, 18 wins; $60,052.00
Sire of Race starters earning $60,052.00, 5 SWs, 1 Reg. Champion, 1 Superior, 66 Race ROMs.
An Equistat All Time Leading Barrel Sire of 45 performers earning $295,000.00+.
In 1985, Down Home Dash offspring continue to dominate quarter horse racing at Picov Downs for the second year in a row. Down Home Dash sired 4 finalists in the rags to riches futurity, including the winner Uptown Dash out of Pipe Dream Bailey. Bred by Pipe Dream Farms.
Down Home Dash spells success after a tremendous racing career. The Superior horse is surpassing all others in producing sound, intelligent, athletic babies who win for FUN!
Down Home Dash is the Canadian all-time leading race sire.
Sire’s Sire’s Name: Victory Dash
Sire’s Dam’s Name: Dimples Up
Sire’s Dam’s Sire’s Name: Pass Em Up
Dam: Dash Easy Girl SI 81
15 Starts, 3 Firsts, 4 Seconds, 1 Third
2nd Dam: Roaring Girl
22 Starts, 6 Firsts, 2 Seconds and 2 Thirds.
Earnings $4,721
Stallion Fee: $1000.00 CAD + LFG
Stallion's Website >Pedigree >
Notable Achievements:
Unraced due to injury as a 3 year old.